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Oracle Interview Rounds

Oracle is one of the top MNCs and deals with mostly on the database side. Below are the interview rounds experienced.

There was no screening round in Oracle. They would directly start with the rounds once resume is shortlisted.

Be prepared with coding practice from Leetcode etc. Also be ready to face questions on Database, Resume and Behavioral questions.

There will be around 5 rounds which will be covered in 3 days. However the scheduling process is slow and takes a week or two.

Round 1 - Intro + Java Basics + Resume + Simple Code Solving

Round 2 - System Design + OOPs

System would be similar to Design a Card game, Multiplayer platform, easily extendable design, add dynamic rules, change card's face values, keep track of leaderboard etc were follow up questions.

Round 3 - Coding (Medium) + System Design

Coding questions would be similar to (11) LRU Cache - LeetCode. Also follow up question on cache memory, different type and follow up questions

Round 4 - Coding (Medium and Hard)

Questions would be similar to :

Round 5 - Hiring Manager + Bartender

Round will be based on resume, skills, achievements, projects etc

Coding practice is required for these rounds. However the interviewers are friendly and will help you with it.

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