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PayPal Interview Rounds

PayPal is an MNC in the payments side and also a dream company for many of the tech folks. Below are the interview rounds in detail taken from various experiences.

The Interview starts of with the screening round containing coding questions.

Be prepared with coding practice from Leetcode, Geeksforgeeks, etc. Also be ready to face questions on System Design , Design Patterns and Resume.

Online Assessment

The questions would be similar to the below Leetcode.

Once you clear the online assessment, well done. Once shortlisted from this, they will schedule an interview most likely on weekends and they will try to complete on the same day itself. Most probably, the total rounds will be 3 or 4 maximum

Round 1 - Coding + Backend(Java) + Resume

  • Coding Questions would be similar to Leetcode Medium and Hard. It would be similar to (11) Min Stack - LeetCode and (11) Trapping Rain Water - LeetCode

  • Questions on your skills mentioned in Resume. Life if you mentioned SQL, then they might ask you SQL Queries like Student table having student and their each subject marks return each student with their total marks ( Follow ups like marks > 90)

  • Questions on Java like mutlithreading, OOPS and Maps.

Round 2 - Resume Projects + Design Patterns

Round 3(If available) - Coding + Behavioral

Coding questions would similar to

Round 4 - Hiring Manager Round + System Design + Behavioral

Questions would be on roles and responsibilities, Design a library system etc.

If you are good with your resume, Leetcode coding, system design, java and design patterns, there are high chances of getting selected here.

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