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- Coding Solution - Longest Common Subsequence
This is similar to the Leetcode Problem -(11) Longest Common Subsequence - LeetCode Given two strings text1 and text2, return the length of their longest common subsequence. If there is no common subsequence, return 0. The approach would be based on dynamic programming. We take a 2d array with rows and columns indicating string 1 and string 2 respectively. Then we use the below code to calculate the common subsequence of the previous diagonal element if equal else we take the max of the upper and left element. if(text1.charAt(i-1) == text2.charAt(j-1)) dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1] +1; else dp[i][j] =Math.max(dp[i -1][j], dp[i][j -1]); Do have a look at the discuss section for more optimized solutions if available - (11) Longest Common Subsequence - LeetCode Discuss class Solution { public int longestCommonSubsequence(String text1, String text2) { int m = text1.length(), n = text2.length(); int[][] dp = new int[m + 1][n + 1]; for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++) for(int j = 1; j <= n; j++) if(text1.charAt(i-1) == text2.charAt(j-1)) dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1] + 1; else dp[i][j] = Math.max(dp[i - 1][j], dp[i][j - 1]); return dp[m][n]; } }
- All Companies - Coding Solutions
Below are the coding questions which are asked in the MNC, FAANG and Startup companies. There will be around 150 plus questions (adding in progress). If you prepare them, then it will be enough to crack the coding rounds of 90% of companies. 1. Reverse a Linked List - Given the head of a singly linked list, reverse the list, and return the reversed list. Solution 2. Linked List Cycle - Given head, the head of a linked list, determine if the linked list has a cycle in it. Solution 3. Linked List Cycle with node at intersection - Given the head of a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null. Solution 4. Longest Common Subsequence - Given two strings text1 and text2, return the length of their longest common subsequence. If there is no common subsequence, return 0. Solution Will be adding more coding solutions as days goes on. Do let me know in the comments if you are looking for a specific coding question which was asked in your company.
- All Companies - Interview Rounds and Salaries
Below are the interview rounds and salaries for various levels of all the top MNC , FAANG and Startup companies. I was able to gather the interview experiences and salaries for many levels. You can also use the search section to search for any company or coding solution. Amazon Interview Rounds Salaries and Levels Walmart Interview Rounds Salaries and Levels Oracle Interview Rounds Salaries and Levels PayPal Interview Rounds Salaries and Levels Goldman Sachs Interview Rounds Salaries and Levels Will be adding more as days goes on. Do let me know in the comments if you are looking for a specific company and I will get that added
- Goldman Sachs Salaries and Levels
From various sources, I was able to gather the below levels and package offered. Goldman Sachs SDE Intern Years of Experience: 0 Years Location : Bangalore Salary: 1-2L for 2 months Location : NYC Salary : 100K Goldman Sachs SDE 1 Years of Experience: Freshers to 2 Years Location: Bangalore Salary: 14-17L Signing Bonus: 2-7L Total comp : 19-24L Goldman Sachs SDE 2 Years of Experience: 2 + years Location: Bangalore Base Salary: 22-36L Bonus: 4-10L Total compensation : 30-45L Location: Dallas, TX Salary: 120-140K Signing Bonus: 20-30K Total comp (Salary + Bonus + Stock): 140-165K Goldman Sachs SDE 3(VP) Years of Experience: 6 + years Location: Bangalore Base Salary: 45-60L Bonus: 12-20L Total compensation : 55-70L
- Goldman Sachs Interview Rounds
Goldman Sachs is among the top global investment banks and is FinTech. Below are the interview rounds which I was able to gather from various sources. There will be a online assessment test on HackerRank for the initial screening. The difficulty level will be based on your years of experience. Questions would be similar to: (11) Median of Two Sorted Arrays - LeetCode Be prepared with coding practice from Leetcode, GeeksForGeeks etc. Also be ready to face questions on System Design, Java, Resume, Design Patterns and Behavioral questions. There will be around 5 rounds , generally taking a week or two. Round 1 - Coding + System Design + Projects Apart from projects and system design, Questions would be similar to: (11) Sliding Window Maximum - LeetCode How to create a dictionary in Java ( Round 2 - Projects + System Design + Resume System design similar to Doubleton | Modified Singleton Design pattern | by | Medium Round 3 - Coding + Projects + System Design Questions would be similar to how design a banking system. Find duplicates in O(n) time and O(1) extra space | Set 1 - GeeksforGeeks Round 4 - Software Development Life Cycle + Resume Round 5 - Behavioral + Resume + Expectations There are 5 rounds with initial rounds focusing on coding and design. Once past those rounds, it will be on resume and projects mostly.
- Walmart Salaries and Levels
From various sources, I was able to gather the below levels and package offered. Walmart SDE Intern Years of Experience: 0 Years Location : Bangalore Salary: 8-11L Location : Sunnyvale Salary : 30-50K Walmart SDE 1 Years of Experience: Freshers to 2 Years Salary: 10-14L Signing Bonus: 1-3L Total comp : 12-15L Walmart SDE 2 Years of Experience: 2 + years Location: Bangalore Base Salary: 12-17L Bonus: 2-5L Stocks: 8-12L Total compensation : 16-23L Location: Dallas, TX Salary: 65-85K Signing Bonus: 5-8K Stock bonus: 1-3K Total comp (Salary + Bonus + Stock): 70-90K Walmart SDE 3 Years of Experience: 4-5 + years Location: Bangalore Base Salary: 30-35L Bonus: 2-5L Stocks: 10-14L Total compensation : 37-50L
- Walmart Interview Rounds
Walmart is among the best retail stores, known for it's excellent pay and work culture in some of the teams. Below are the interview rounds taken from various interview experiences. There might be no screening round in Walmart but if yes, it would be a coding test. Be prepared with coding practice from Leetcode etc. Also be ready to face questions on System Design, Queues, Resume, Design Patterns and Behavioral questions. There will be around 4 rounds , generally taking a couple of weeks. Round 1 - Coding + Java basics Questions would be similar to: (11) Add Two Numbers - LeetCode (11) Top K Frequent Elements - LeetCode (11) Loading Question... - LeetCode Round 2 - Java Basics and Data Structures Questions would be based on multi-threading, Blocking Queue(Producer-consumer Problem), concurrent hashmap internal working, collections and java related topics Round 3 - Coding + Java Questions would be similar to how string pool works, comparable and comparator difference, wait vs sleep in threads, Blocking Queue, SQL query, indexing Coding would be similar to: (11) Reverse Linked List - LeetCode (11) Valid Parentheses - LeetCode Round 4 - Hiring Manager Round + System Design + Design Patterns + Resume Questions would be based on System design like design a HTML file parser, design patterns, resume and normal conversation. There are a lot applicants for Walmart and hence the competition is huge. Coding practice is required for these rounds. However the interviewers are friendly and will help you with it.
- Coding Solution - Linked List Cycle with Node at intersection
This is similar to the Leetcode Problem -(11) Linked List Cycle II - LeetCode Given the head of a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null. The approach would be similar to linked list cycle, take 2 pointers, slow as turtle and fast as hare. When the turtle is equal to the hare, cycle is found. Once cycle is found, slow will start from head. Both slow and fast will traverse and when they are equal again, that node is the start of the cycle Do have a look at the discuss section for more optimized solutions if available - (11) Linked List Cycle II - LeetCode Discuss /** * Definition for singly-linked list. * class ListNode { * int val; * ListNode next; * ListNode(int x) { * val = x; * next = null; * } * } */ public class Solution { public ListNode detectCycle(ListNode head) { ListNode slow = head, fast = head; while(fast!=null && !=null) { slow =; fast =; if(slow == fast) { slow = head; while (slow!=fast) { slow =; fast =; } return slow; } } return null; } }
- Coding Solution - Linked List Cycle
This is similar to the Leetcode Problem - (11) Linked List Cycle - LeetCode Given head, the head of a linked list, determine if the linked list has a cycle in it. The approach would be simple, take 2 pointers, slow as turtle and fast as hare. When the turtle is equal to the hare, cycle is found. Do have a look at the discuss section for more optimized solutions if available - (11) Linked List Cycle - LeetCode Discuss /** * Definition for singly-linked list. * class ListNode { * int val; * ListNode next; * ListNode(int x) { * val = x; * next = null; * } * } */ public class Solution { public boolean hasCycle(ListNode head) { ListNode hare = head; ListNode turtle = head; while(hare!=null && !=null) { turtle = ; hare =; if(hare == turtle) return true; } return false; } }
- Oracle Salaries and Levels
From various sources, I was able to gather the below levels and package offered. Oracle SDE Intern Years of Experience: 0 Years Location: Seattle, WA Salary: 80-100K Location : India Salary : 5-7L Oracle IC1 Years of Experience: Freshers to 2 Years Location: India Salary: 7-11L Relocation: 1-2L Total comp (Salary + Bonus + Stock): 8-12L Location: Redwood City, CA Salary: 110-130K Relocation/Signing Bonus: 15-35K Stock bonus: 2-3K RSU Oracle IC2 Years of Experience: 2 + years Location: Bangalore Base Salary: 20-28L Bonus: 2-5L Stocks: 10-14L Total compensation : 35-40L Location: Seattle, WA Salary: 130-150K Signing Bonus: 10-20K Stock bonus: 25-40K Total comp (Salary + Bonus + Stock): 155-190K Oracle IC3 Years of Experience: 4-5 + years Location: Bangalore Base Salary: 30-35L Bonus: 2-5L Stocks: 10-14L Total compensation : 37-45L
- Oracle Interview Rounds
Oracle is one of the top MNCs and deals with mostly on the database side. Below are the interview rounds experienced. There was no screening round in Oracle. They would directly start with the rounds once resume is shortlisted. Be prepared with coding practice from Leetcode etc. Also be ready to face questions on Database, Resume and Behavioral questions. There will be around 5 rounds which will be covered in 3 days. However the scheduling process is slow and takes a week or two. Round 1 - Intro + Java Basics + Resume + Simple Code Solving Round 2 - System Design + OOPs System would be similar to Design a Card game, Multiplayer platform, easily extendable design, add dynamic rules, change card's face values, keep track of leaderboard etc were follow up questions. Round 3 - Coding (Medium) + System Design Coding questions would be similar to (11) LRU Cache - LeetCode. Also follow up question on cache memory, different type and follow up questions Round 4 - Coding (Medium and Hard) Questions would be similar to : (11) Target Sum - LeetCode (11) Recover Binary Search Tree - LeetCode Round 5 - Hiring Manager + Bartender Round will be based on resume, skills, achievements, projects etc Coding practice is required for these rounds. However the interviewers are friendly and will help you with it.
- PayPal Salaries and Levels
From various sources, I was able to gather the below levels and package offered. PayPal Software Engineer Intern Years of Experience: 0 Years Location: San Jose, CA Salary: 90K to 110K Relocation: Free housing + flight tickets Signing Bonus: None Stock bonus: None Bonus: None Total comp (Salary + Bonus + Stock): 90K to 110K PayPal SDE 1 Years of Experience: Freshers to 2 Years Location: Chennai/Bangalore Base Salary : 9-14L Signing Bonus: 5-9L Stock bonus: 2-6L Bonus: 0.5-2L Total comp (Salary + Bonus + Stock): 20-28L PayPal SDE 2 Years of Experience: 2 + years Location: Chennai/Bangalore Base Salary: 15-25L Bonus: 1.5-4L Relocation bonus: 1-2L Stocks: 3-5L Total compensation : 25-33L Location: SanJose Salary: 120-160K Relocation: 7-9K Signing Bonus: 20-35K Stock bonus: 25-40K Bonus: 8-15% Total comp (Salary + Bonus + Stock): 140-170K PayPal SDE 3 Years of Experience: 4-5 + years Base Salary: 25-35 Variable Bonus: 2.5-4L Signing Bonus: 1-7L Stock bonus: 30-50K Total comp (Salary + Bonus + Stock+meal & Gratuity): 30-50L